RW Crawford Ltd official statement regarding Agwood Ltd acquisition

Official Statement

Crawfords are proud to announce that a Deal in Principle has been agreed to acquire the business Agwood Ltd, Massey Ferguson dealer for Kent, East Sussex, and Surrey. Heads of Terms have been agreed to complete the business acquisition over the coming months.

Established in 1978, Ian Wood has grown and evolved from a sole trader to build the reputable Agwood business of today. Being a key Massey Ferguson multi-branch dealership allows Crawfords to develop with AGCO’s brand separation policy Route 66.

Ian and I have had several discussions, and Ian feels the time is right to plan his future and succession plan. Both businesses are staff and customer-focused, which fits well with both parties. Ian will remain in a senior advisory role with Agwood’s, working alongside Phil Bush as MF Dealer Principle for the Agwood territory.

All employees will transfer as part of the sale and the three existing branch locations at Swingfield, Linton and Godstone will be retained.

The Agwood business will continue its operation as usual but under the new ownership and guidance of the Crawford family. Through this agreement, we look to achieve continuity for the Agwood team and their customers while enabling Crawfords to continue building on the team’s hard work and deliver a first-class customer experience.

Whilst I am sure there will be much speculation about this exciting news, rest assured that our primary focus will continue to be on both the staff and customers, and I will update you as we move forward with the final stages of the acquisition.



Wes Crawford

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