Hay Mowing Tips for Beginners in Agriculture

Here are five tips from Dr. Dan Undersander and Massey Ferguson to help guide you through the mowing process.

If you’re new to the farming industry, hay mowing might seem like a daunting task. However, with the right tips and tools, it can be a smooth and efficient process that results in high-quality hay for your livestock.

Hay Mowing at the Right Time

The timing of hay mowing is critical to ensuring the highest quality hay. The ideal time to cut hay is when it is in the early bloom stage. Waiting too long to cut hay can result in lower nutritional value and an increased risk of mould. By cutting at the right time, you can maximise the yield and nutritional value of your hay crop.

Adjust Mower Height

Mower height is another crucial factor. It’s essential to adjust the mower height correctly depending on the type of hay and growing conditions. As a general rule, you should set the mower to cut between 2.5 and 3 inches above the ground. This height allows for optimal regrowth.

Choose the Right Equipment

Selecting the right equipment is vital to achieving high-quality hay. Massey Ferguson offers a range of hay mowers, conditioners, and balers designed to meet the needs of farmers of all sizes. Choosing the right equipment can help improve efficiency and the overall quality of your hay.

Consider Weather Conditions when Hay Mowing

Weather conditions play a significant role in hay mowing. It’s essential to take into account the weather forecast and avoid mowing hay when it’s wet or overly dry. Mowing during wet conditions can lead to spoilage and an increased risk of mould, while mowing during overly dry conditions can result in brittle and low-quality hay.

Properly Dry and Store Hay

The final stage is drying and storing the hay. Drying hay properly is critical to preventing mould growth and maintaining nutritional value. Once the hay is dry, it’s crucial to store it in a clean and dry storage area to prevent spoilage and contamination.

Ready to kickstart your hay mowing journey? Visit Crawfords for a wide selection of high-quality mowing equipment. With our expertise and top-notch products, you can make hay mowing a breeze and achieve exceptional results for your livestock.

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